May 11th, 2021 by Daniel Woida
Want to download Deezer music on Mac computer? Want to download Deezer playlist on Windows computer? Want to download Deezer licensed music or playlist to MP3, FLAC, WAV, AAC, M4A, WMA, etc with id3 tag to enjoy without internet connection? If you do, then you will need a professional Deezer Playlist downloader for Mac or Windows version. Most people will have Allavsoft as their choice.
The following is a step by step guide on how to download multiple audio tracks from Deezer to MP3, FLAC, M4A etc format (including one click to download Deezer playlist music audio files). This guide also helps to download music from Spotify, Soundcloud, YouTube, Vevo, Chirbit, Jango, Pandora, etc.
Free download the professional Deezer Playlist Downloader for Mac or Windows version - Allavsoft ( for Windows , for Mac) , install and then launch it, the following interface will pop up.
Open Deezer and locate the Deezer music that attracts you and then copy its music URL and paste it to Allavsoft. Or simply drag and drop this Deezer URL to Allavsoft.
If you want to download Deezer music to WAV, M4A, AC3, WMA, OGG etc, you can check before "Automatically Convert to" and then select your desired audio format from General Audio category.
Click Option-> Preference to open the Preference window (Mac computer: Click the "Allavsoft" ->"Preference" button), then switch to Advanced tap to check before "Download FLAC music with
cover art"
Finally click "Download" button to finish downloading Deezer music or Deezer playlist music offline to your desired audio format.Thenk you can play deezer music offline wihout Deezer app and without internet connection anywhere and anytime.
Deezer is a music streaming website and allows users to enjoy more than 35 million music tracks. But if you are a free user you can just enjoy Deezer music online and with lots of ads. Of course if you want to download Deezer music you can choose the paid Premium+ Deezer membership or choose Allavsoft for the above other functions. Another advantage of downloading Deezer music is that some Deezer music are not available in every location, so downloading them is for better enjoying. So for the Deezer free user, Allavsoft is indeed a good helper.